Application of partial pressure type oxygen sensor in oxygen volume fraction measurement 分压型氧传感器在氧气体积分数测量中的应用
Influence of Bias Voltage and N_2 Partial Pressure on Structure of TiN Film and Performance of Film/ Substrate 偏压和氮分压对TiN膜层结构和膜/基体系性能的影响
Partial Pressure Connection: The varistor of the two fixed end of the bipolar power supply, respectively connected by a sliding side and either a fixed terminal connected to the circuit. 分压接法:将变阻器的两个固定端分别与电源的两极相连,由滑动端和任一固定端连接到电路。
Trying to see how the partial pressure of a changes with the total pressure. 现在看看分压如何,随着总压强变化。
Objective: To compare the oxygen partial pressure and calcium ion concentration between acupoints and their corresponding non-acupoints. 目的:比较穴位与非穴位中氧分压和钙离子浓度的差异。
So it's partial pressure over its pure liquid. 所以这是纯液态上的分压。
This is how it varies as the partial pressure A So then we can just write our expression for the liquid. 这就是它如何随气相中,的分压的变化和变化的,of,A,in,the,gas,phase,varies。,那么然后我们能写出,液体的表达式。
Only when the water that is limited pressure is heated to the saturate temperature, the partial pressure of steam that is on interface of gas and water shall close to full pressure on water surface. 只要将水定压加热到饱和温度时,气、水界面上蒸汽的分压力就会接近于水面上的全压力。
The gasification reaction rate increases with an increasing of reaction gas partial pressure. 反应气体的分压越高,气化反应速率越高。
A fluorescence method is used to measure the partial pressure of dissolved or gaseous oxygen. 使用荧光方法测量溶解氧和气态氧局部压力。
Effects of substrate bias and argon partial pressure on microstructure and interfacial characteristic of aluminum coating on uranium surface 基片偏压与氩分压对铀表面铝镀层结构与界面特性的影响
Which way the partial pressure of the water should go under one bar pressure, room temperature. 水的分压会如何变化,在一个大气压,室温下。
This is the partial pressure of A. 是A物质的分压。
Absorption is also dependent upon air flow rates and the partial pressure of the gases in the inspired air. 吸收也取决于空气流速和吸入空气中的气体分压。
Influences of deposition rate and oxygen partial pressure on residual stress of HfO_2 films 沉积速率和氧分压对HfO2薄膜残余应力的影响
For a given media, and at a constant total pressure and temperature, the partial pressure of oxygen is proportional to oxygen mole fraction. 对一个给定的媒介,在恒定的总压和温度下,局部压力与氧的克分子数成比例。
According to the law ( Henrry Lay) of gas dissolve: the solubility of any gas in water shall be direct ratio with partial pressure of the gas on interface of gas and water. 根据气体溶解定律(亨利定律):任何气体在水中的溶解度与该气体在气、水界面上的分压力成正比。
Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure and Deposition Rate on the Properties of ITO Film 氧分压与沉积速率对ITO薄膜性能的影响
In respect to the human body's sensitivity to partial pressure of CO2, the exposure limit expressed by mass concentration can satisfy the requirement. 人体对CO2的分压敏感,用质量浓度表示接触限值在高原地区能够满足要求;
Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of HfO_xN_y Thin Films 氧分压对HfOxNy薄膜结构和力学性能的影响
The relationship between the style of oxygen therapy and oxygen flow rate and oxygen partial pressure of nasal vestibule 氧疗方式和氧流量与鼻前庭氧分压变化的关系
Oceanic14C, partial pressure of CO2, total CO2, and total alkalinity measurements; 海洋中含量、局地二氧化碳气压、二氧化碳总量和总碱度的测量资料;
Tells you the pressure of, the total pressure, or partial pressure at coexistence and the composition. 告诉我们总压强,共存曲线上分压和组分比。
The statistical method of repeated data of variance analysis was used to compare the difference of oxygen partial pressure and calcium ion concentration between the acupoints and non-acupoints. 用方差分析方法对穴位和非穴位钙离子浓度和氧分压的差异和变化趋势进行统计分析。
Effect of Sulfur Partial Pressure on Properties of CuInS_2 Absorber Films 硫分压对光吸收层CuInS2薄膜性能的影响
And I'm going to ask, after I reach equilibrium, what is the partial pressure of nitrogen hydrogen and ammonia? 我想问,当达到平衡后,氮气,氢气和氨气的分压,分别是多少?
I'm going to have the total pressure is going to be the partial pressure of the water. 我先考虑总压强,等于水的蒸汽压的情况。
What the partial pressure are going to be in each of the phases. 压强的大小,每一相的分压是多少。
It's partial pressure in the gas phase. 这是气相中的分压。
Partial pressure of A is total pressure minus p inert. 分压等于总的压强减去惰性气体的压强。